
Archive for the category “Running”

Shin splint shenanigans

About a month ago, I realised I had the dreaded shin splints. I don’t remember ever having shin splints before.

At first, I felt a little pain along my shins. I didn’t think much of it and put it down to the (extremely high) heels I had worn for a night on the tiles. A few days later, during a 5k run, the pain became worse. I googled “cures for shin splints” and discovered the common cure is REST, REST and more REST.

Some claim to have a miracle quick cure, which involve golf balls and a yoga mat. I decided to REST for a week and reassess my shin situation.

Two weeks later, I felt a little better. Just on time for the Colour Run (more about that later!). Unfortunately, this 5k walk only aggravated my problem. At work the next day, a colleague kindly advised me to splash out on a new pair of runners. My beloved runners have supported me in numerous runs. In fact, they have supported me for much longer than the recommended 6-12 months/ 500 miles.

So you know what this means…….. SHOPPING!!!!!!! The only proven instant cure for shin splints 🙂

Girls who run are more FUN

As one of my New Year resolutions, I challenged myself to run a race (of any distance) every month this year.  In 2009, I ran two half-marathons but I’m not looking to run that distance again in the near future.  So I tried to find a not-too-strenuous run (and proscrastinated if I’m honest).  I had gone for a few runs, played tag rugby, taken pilates, aerobics and combat classes so I don’t feel too guilty exercise-wise.  At the same time, I wanted to get my bum in gear and back into running!

My first official run of 2012 was last Tuesday evening.  The Docklands run took place in Dublin city centre, starting across the river from the O2 arena.  Luckily, it was a dry sunny evening (you never can rely on the Irish weather).

It was a 5k run so should have been easily do-able for me.  I even got in a 5k run with my sister at the weekend.  However, my slight nervousness prior to the run, combined with waiting around (I could have done 5k twice in that time!), put me off.  When the run eventually started, I kept with the pace of the crowd (which always seems to happen to me) and my running partner (who is naturally fitter than I am).  This was slightly faster than my usual pace and I knew I wouldn’t be able to sustain it.  I completed the first 2k in about ten minutes although my usual pace is 6 minutes per km.  When I saw the 2k sign, I knew I needed to slow my pace.  I let my running partner stride ahead of me and settled into a more comfortable pace.  I passed the 3k mark at 16:22 and (eventually!) finished at 28:03.

I was happy to finish under 30 minutes but realised I have a lot of training to do before the Docklands 8k run on 19th June.  My last year’s 8k time was 45:06 so I hope to beat that and make it a PB!  Watch this space….

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